Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bowling Night postponed to next Thursday, November 13th 7-9

Hi all,

I am sorry to announce this so late, but we have to reschedule bowling night from tomorrow to next Thursday, November 13th from 7 to 9. Please write on here if you can come or e-mail me at keith-and@hotmail.com.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope you can still come!


Welcome MA TESOL Students!

This website is designed for MA TESOL students to be able to keep in touch with each other. You can post about anything you want: student events, lectures, relevant movies, study groups, etc. This is a place where you can informally discuss issues or make announcements to your colleagues. Please feel free to contact me, Keith, for any comments or questions at keith-and@hotmail.com.